Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Seating for one

Apparently I will do anything to avoid finishing the Bristol top from Sewing Workshop. It has more to do with the fabric I'm using as a test muslin than the pattern itself.

And since the file on my computer that stores the billions of photos I use on this blog is 


I'm going to share a new product I have found.

Now I am all about beating a pattern into the ground. How many ways can I make that shirt? Oh, about five. How many uses for old pantyhose? You get the idea.

And here is an old friend, Seat Sack

And it's grown up version

This is the Executive size!

God bless 'em. Comes with a filing cabinet buddy! 

I do applaud making the 'to be filed' container something to be attached to the file drawer, encouraging nonfiling and yet keeping the nonfiled kinda near the cabinet. Just in case. 

You've worked there. You know.

For reasons I don't understand, our former elementary school had the Another Brand Of Seat Sack on the back of every chair that was designed to fall over backwards when a Seat Sack was added to it. The molded chair on the left; that works because the legs are farther apart, and the extra weight is distributed over them. The wooden upright chair in the center: no, falls right over. No fault of Seat Sack. This didn't stop anyone from getting me to sew up knockoffs that  had the same problem, but were made out of cheaper, donated materials that ripped when overloaded. Double the odds, double your fun; when will it fail? And how?

No knocks on Seat Sack/Office Pack. They make a solid product, albeit one you could knock off in about a minute. I'll wager their materials are pretty good, better than mine, and costing that out, makes their product a better deal.

I do worry that the filing cabinet buddy is going to stick when you close the drawer, but I give them solid marks for recycling.

And people that don't sew need this stuff.  Just remember: Seat Sack does not defy gravity cause it's the LAW.

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