Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Some new sewing, broken into five minute sessions

 Is it sewing if it's altering?

It was a hot mess of fray inside and I fixed it

The Sven holiday sweater: I haven't worn it yet, but it needs to be shorter. I have folded it to where I want it to hit. I may just cut off the lower snowflakes and reattach the ribbing. I would miss those test tubes, and it makes an easier cut than adding a ridge and removing the MeTV logo.

And I seem to have bought more pants fabric

Ventana Twill is the diggity bomb of winter pants fabric. It softens right up, the colors are deep, and it doesn't seem to pill or distort (although remember, I don't put the finished stuff in the dryer after I prewash and dry the bejebus out of it.
It also comes in solid colors and I need some boring pants. Prints and prints are too busy for my boss' eyeballs, and I have other fights to fight at work these days. He actually commented yesterday that this was the first time I dressed normally for work (leggings and a big sweater is normal?). I reacted to it as  if it was a compliment although I don't think it was meant as one, and today I made sure I wore something in too many colors. Sorry, didn't have time for photos.

It was nice to have a couple of actual days off this weekend, so I focused my energy on finishing a shirt.

 I have a couple of long sleeved shirts cut out and half sewn, but it's too cold at work for shirts unless i can wear a down vest over them. Is a down vest not normal clothing? Still puzzling over that....

Which explains why instead of working on the sweater, I am handbasting  the fly on the new Ventana twill pants. Still too much work to do, so this is happening in five minute blasts. This is a skill I developed when the kids were toddlers, and while it's not as satisfying as a long bath of sewing, it scratches the itch.


  1. Your comment about the boss with the boring eye reminded me of the myriad ways in which I enjoy retirement. Sorry, no gloating, if all goes well you will have your turn.. But I enjoy your reaction too, it reminds me of the boss who actually blushed every time I said fuck, it was irresistible 😉. But more seriously where do you get that Ventana twill? Boring and robust sounds good to me, I'm clinging to my beloved summer Bobs but shivering a bit

    1. Ventana twill comes from Stonemountain and Daughter online store. It is perfect pants fab


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