Wednesday, August 7, 2024

REdyeing overdyeing to dye for

 I'm playing on one of my favorite online tools and it hit me: Have i written about this?

Oh My Gosh

So this website is biased towards the bottle dyes but you can use the NON bottle versions to make the color choices (just use a different measurement scale: it's about the ratio of one color of dye to another).
 You can also use this set of formulas to get an idea of what color dye to use to achieve the right color on an overdyed project.
Colors get names. Some names are more interesting the others. I'm looking for Bright Clover, because I am having a moment where leaf green is my new favorite color for clothing.

The ratios and water quantities assume the size of the item to be dyed, not the actual item. Jeans start as a different color, and overdying them with this mix will give you a different color.

I do appreciate the quantity options

And just a note: a front loading washer is not going to work very well. 

You want to submerge your material; Get yourself one of these babies
I cannot believe I didn't take pictures of when I dyed the tennis shoes in mine.