Sunday, May 26, 2019

Radost Folk Ensemble Frog Hat

If it's Memorial Day Weekend, Radost is dancing at Northwest Folklife Festival.

It is the first one without Tom Deering, who was one of the founders and a good friend. He passed this February. Although the stories that people told today indicated that as long as they are dancing, Tom is there.
And it's his wife Sidney who has asked me time and again if I can sew 'a little something'.

Today's international dance afternoon schedule

This year, it was a frog hat for the children's dance.
First you get a hat and a frog
There's a moment that's a little Joker Origin Story, but it passes

We will not show the remains.
You sew it on. You didn't cut enough to cover the back, so I'm not showing that to you.

Of course it's a circle dance. Forest friends save the day. Forest friends RULE. That's Sid in the middle. Not quite herding cats. They are good cats.

Radost Folk Ensemble photo
That's my frog.
More dance outside 
And art booths too. Not shown: hundreds more art booths.
And a billion food trucks.
One more day on Monday, May 27th. Still free, still fun, still real Seattle.

1 comment:

  1. I did not get there, but I'm very glad you did. sndi


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