Now that it's one big Something Special company, you can find a hefty cross section of costumes, mostly Simplicity, in the costume book at Joann's. there are still costume patterns in the individual pattern 'company' books, but this does get the job done for the current crop.
I adore Halloween. I am glad it doesn't run all year long, but it comes close and the amount of creativity involved in it gives me life.
I also get the chance to play the "who's IP?" That is: you can use or restyle an existing costume pattern and present it as the thing you don't have a license for. Or you can be baldfaced about it (previous editions of this post have pointed those out).
It's not chicken, but it tastes like it.
She may have a dragon behind her, but she's the Queen of Fire, not the MOD. This would be a great MOB dress. I have no plans or needs but now I have ideas.
Cersei might make more sense. Don't worry, my kids don't read this blog
This is a classic. Our men have always been bees. A bit more gendered of a statement but they were bees.
I have no idea what this is riffing on, but it feels specific. I do not watch the Disney channel right now but guessing princess.
Heathers the Musical? MeanGirls? They are both musicals.
Animals are always a solid costume.
Donnie Darko vibes
There are more Lolitas, but this is the new one
Axoloti! Porcupine! How cozy can that sloth be? VERY
The lion, a previous cute baby costume staple has been replaced by Toddler Shark. Long live Toddler Shark (which is a costume that really makes sense for a toddler. They never sleep and must always keep moving)
Licensed. I love the Unnamed Doll love here. It gets cold the end of October, so this might be more dress up box.

More licensed. Now all I can see is how impractical this is going to be on a chilly October night.
I love the doggy dinosaurs but I understand the grandpup does not want to dress up as a purple pleather faux embossed crocodile dinosaur. Um yes, I still have the fabric. Such is life.
If my kids were teens I would know who this was. I spent some time on Google image search and it has let me down. so many anime with blue coats blue flame and wild hair. BTW Cation Designs did a really sweet Calcifer flame hand prop (from Howls Moving Castle) ; they are mostly on IG now but go look for it. Simple and cool.
Six is on tour. Get ready now.
And this is not licensed.
For a movie about couture, this is appropriate.
You can make a regular item into a specific costume with the right fabric and makeup. Don't sleep on this approach; this pattern gives you the jacket, pants and the ruffled shirt. He's the most on tour!
Leave off the studs. Pretty sure the mask is foam.
Top hat pattern sold separately (it actually is)
Also on tour, Satine.
Officially licensed. I did not find the Sally fabric in the store but it's available online
Off licence, but I like this one better
The obligatory Oz costumes, and I gotta say they nailed the Flying Monkey (I think this may be a first time for this character). Go read their copy for this as well as
Oh my god, the Winkie guard gets a costume! This IS a first. And I can't find my photos of the Winkie suit at MoPop, but I know I've posted about it.
When will Wicked get some quality knockoff costumes for the leads? The stage show is not the movie, and the Wicked movie is in production.
We'll always have the originals
There are many new costumes I just don't care about but you may.
And now that it's McVogerickity, it's one stop shopping.