Sunday, October 30, 2016

Gussets, Puppets, Chicken, Flannel: this week in work

Starting in June, I have a stretch of full to bursting employment in the office and  in the sewing cave (and we do know it's really a cave, right?)

A bodice was taken in

Sleeve gussets were added to a too small dress

Ant puppets were made. This is version one, an actual sock puppet made of socks. Sorry it's such a dark and blurry picture, it's from a quick demo video I did and it's gone now. Deemed "too sweaty" sadly. Version three is under review. There's still four more tech rehearsals and I know that means three more versions until we're cranking out an army at the last minute.
I love it.

Chicken stock was made and frozen.

(this is so slack: we buy rotisserie chicken, strip it and eat it. I stuff the carcasses into a plastic bag in the freezer. When the need/space/time arises, I shove those into a crock pot slow cooker, chop an onion, add water to fill and a bay leaf and let it go until rendered. eight hours? Take that, strain out the stuff, chill it and skim off the solid fat. Put that in a wide pan and simmer it to reduce. This time I didn't burn it. It takes time but it doesn't take effort, and it makes other stuff taste amazing)

A JoAnn's coupon was used to buy Xmas jamas flannel
This shrank a little, but fluffed up beyond my expectations and six yards only lost about a 1/3 cup of lint. Dang! It's so fluffy now! Mine, all mine!

 (oh, the Armani bag! Like a postcard from a different decade of my life, it appears and disappears from time to time).
But there are more dresses waiting.

As of this moment, I've got 32 done, 18 to go, with 18 days left. 
And patterns to finish testing. A second set of puppets on the bubble. The usual mom stuff. 

We're going with the Dr Who stuff. It's faster to rehab and wear.
And I have a ray gun to repair.
Make good stuff. Not too much candy. See you later.


  1. Mmmmmmmmmm chicken stock. Always mean to make it, never get round to it, just a freezer with many hidden carcases. Ah well, every so often I do make stew. With dumplings. Mmmmmm dumplings.

    1. Can dumplings be made by an inattentive, easily distracted person. I'm asking for a friend, of course.


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