Sunday, May 24, 2020

Style Arc To The Rescue

Sometimes the thing I bought the fabric for turns out to be a bad idea
And then I need to think of something else.
The fabric in question is in the bucket under the bucket. Dyed the fabric and it still was a fail. A sad dull icky fail.
Pinterest used to be a good brain jogger, but it's so full of ads and repeats, there's no real deep dive. And Any Popular Internet Search Engine tends to have the same gamed results.

Thus, Style Arc.

A deep enough catalog of recognizable tech drawings and patterns similar to ones I own.
(there's a whole conversation about that I'm sure I had with myself about this over the years)

Now I cruise their patterns for ideas and use them for my own.

I have enough patterns.

I can kluge a feature onto one that already fits me.
I have a couple of sweater knits that need to be made up to keep me warm in this very cold and housebound spring

 This idea is for later


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I like the Ada top- made a couple for my ma in law years back [it was a freebie I think]. Those pockets are cool.
    I'm not convinced by all these cocoon shaped garments- I'm already that shape and I'm not enamoured of it lol

  3. Yup, you have enough patterns. A very impressive stash. Very. I too, use Style Arc as inspiration, I do love their patterns.


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