Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Middle of the Night // Creation Myths and Rituals

Stolen from Seamwork again.
I take my inspiration where I can get it.

I feel compelled to point out that Ms Tharp is a taskmaster who does not suffer much.

I'm putting REG in here because I love him.
Deal with it.

My sewing ritual is more of a unruly thing that i am trying to change.

For the last..... twenty-two years, I have been someone's on-call, in house mother.
The sons have both been out of the house for the last year, but those years have burnt a few habits into me, habits I would like to break.

That is: I can't start doing anything creative until after bedtime. 9pm.
And this is annoying, as I have other hours I could be doing this stuff in.

As much fun I have at the expense of them, I do get inspiration from the Seamwork/Collette emails, and the idea of the sewing ritual reminded me how I have been avoiding my problem with it.

Yes, I'm going to illustrate this with GIFs.
I consider writing stuff down as a form of "I will do what I said I would do", and I can think of no better scold that Dwayne Johnson. Mr Whupass.

A friend of mine and I passed a can of Whoopass (shown below) back and forth as a  "get 'er done" reminder to do what we had said we would. We finally opened it, and it was piss yellow and ghastly as hell. Ice cold would be the only way you'd get er down. I no longer have the can, but you can be sure I looked for it for twenty minutes because this blog isn't getting down slowly enough

My sewing process, my 'creative' process doesn't really start until after dinner and the dishes have been done and the kids are in bed.
But the kids do that somewhere else now. There's no reason for me to wait.

But I still can't get going until about....9pm. Even on days where I have the whole day to work on a project for me, I just can't get the juice going until the sun comes down.
I'm writing this at 10:15pm. and editing it at 6:16pm a day or two later, while I'm cooking dinner.
Or burning it, I should say.
It soaks out pretty well, though. We ate the not-burnt stuff in the middle with a lot of peanut butter and coconut milk mixed in. Tasted just like peanut butter with coconuts.

Luckily I can start earlier if it's a work project. Hemming would not get done in time if it only happened from 10pm - 1am. Same thing for costumes and mending jobs.
And now it's 10:19pm.

I keep a notebook on me at all times. I find no matter what time it is, I can do some good thinking with a pencil in my hand, and I am getting a little better at spreading that creative time over the day. Instead of opening up the phone, I open up the notebook.

I am also trying to make myself keep office hours in the cave. 
Which, like Vegas, is open 24 hours.
It could be some of the hours during the day.
However, I did spend time letting dinner burn making this a pretty GIF of worthiness.

I am not worthy but he is.
This is clearly a work in progress.

Mary had to lean way over to stoop to my level.

I had a wonderful time chatting it up with Mary of PDXSquared at Seattle Frocktails yesterday evening; I was an honorary Stumptowner. Mocktail consumed, runway applauded, and bus stop right outside of event location was for my bus route. Practically perfect night for me.  Mary and I have never met in person before, and it's super nice to put a person to a social media account. 
@Pimpslapped does the twirl

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