Sunday, May 1, 2022

(not at all) Magic Bag of Tricks part three

 Just imagine every other word is a profanity. Pick whichever ones you like.

I tried to start on one side, and work my way around.
I like a profanity with a bilabial fricative, myself.

Blue tape worked better than clips (which slid) and is easily removed and reapplied.

Because this keeps not wanting to sit in the frame.
"HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL" is the most family friendly one I used here.

It keeps popping out.


Tacky Glue will dry. It will get tacky in less than a year, and it does dry reasonably clear. I can also trim off the excess, if I give a damn about that by the end of this
(and eventually I will)

It is supposed to fit. The pattern and the frame go together. The toile worked.
This ..... is not working.

The toile was in a woven fabric. You cannot overestimate how much squish/stretch/flex you get with a woven, even an upholstery weight. This one will just NOT.

This is a reverse angle trying to use the camera to see if the corner is sitting in the frame or not.
It's... mostly in there? I don't dare pick it up to turn it over to see (working from the lining inside).

I'm going to put glue on string to fill out the gap between the fabric and the frame, and secure the bond (so the bag doesn't drop off the frame)

I know, the glue should go in, and then the string. And on this part, that's what I did.
Remember, every other word is a bad word.
This was a naughty project.

At this point, glue is everywhere (some of those spots are polka dots, some are NOT) and I have ceased to care. I just want to finish it so it's done and I can stop pretending to finish it.

So much profanity.
So Much Glue

I got glue on all my fingers.

Getting a store bought handle. don't even ask about the one I made for it.
this is just so not my jam....well, I had to add hardware and rivets (which is ME), but still so not my jam.

Should not have trimmed the end (you can see the wadding if you look in). didn't trim the other.

Getting rings to go on rings is easier with a pair of narrow needlenose plyers. They don't have to be great, but they do need small noses.

This is it's senior year book photo. Color adjusted. Vignette. 

And now I am so done with this. I will clean up the glue on the other side some other time. But now I am FREE and I do feel much better about it.
If I only carried a purse, this would be it.


  1. For all the trouble you went to, it does look like a really good bag of tricks.

  2. Oh you poor thing! I hate when a project goes sideways like that. I would've suggested a blow dryer, or better yet, a heat gun, to gently stretch the vinyl, but feel free to use all the multi-sylabic curse words, with all the aggressive K sounds ;-D


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