Monday, December 16, 2019

Breaking up the Power Broker

If a book is too big to carry around, chances are you will  never read all of it.
Robert Caro's "The Power Broker" is one of those books.
This is from the gift guide of New York Magazine,  2014, probably late November.

I'd thought of this earlier, was delighted to see this, and been meaning to do this, I've been stuck at page 500something for a decade, and the only reason why I'm doing this now is that this photo, long gone from my files, reappeared on my FB feed.
I copied the cover and pages that might get lost in reassembly.

You want to peel back the cover off the spine to keep as much as you can for the new version

And then you break it

And cut it

I wrapped the cover around the page bundle (in the trade, it's a signature), gluing it on the spine.
I glued in the page that would have been lost to page gluing. Did it for all three 'volumes'

I brushed the glue in to cover and keep it even.
Any white glue will do.

I used whatever heavyweight paper I had. In this case, Bristol.

I copied the maps to put them in the other volumes for reference.

If you're curious about those maps, here they are in color

I am struggling with a bag recipe post that is proving to be a bigger pain than I thought. It's an easy make,  except when it's not. Hopefully this week. 

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