Thursday, July 22, 2021

Metro Safety Survey


This is a real survey from my real bus service. And yes, I would love to be the Czar of Bus Routes

And another dire warning from Feedburner. I dunno..


  1. Haha. Czar of bus routes for the win. They will have a good laugh when they read your survey. It will go in the Survey Hall of Fame.

    As for Feedburner, I "think" I signed up for email before you switched services. Still getting it. Don't "do" anything with my address and we'll see when it stops. That latest message is super cryptic.

    1. Just so everyone knows, I have not transferred anyone to the new sub service. It just seemed pushy.
      The emails from Feedburner are .....vague. Like I wonder what is happening, level of vague.


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